Hiking and Biking
Red Rocks Park is a Denver Mountain Park with a variety of trails located within the park.
The Geologic Overlook Trail, Trading Post Trail, Funicular Trail and Mt. Vernon Creek Trail are restricted to pedestrians only. Trails are located approximately 6,280 feet above sea level, so guests with health conditions may wish to consult a doctor before attempting the hike. If children are joining the hike, please provide supervision as some areas of the trail include drop-offs, steep grades and road crossings. The majority of all trails are less than 3 feet wide. Rock climbing is prohibited. Hikers should be prepared for adverse weather conditions as the weather can change very quickly.
- The Trading Post Trail is 1.4 miles in length, making its way through spectacular rock formations, valleys and a natural meadow. Some of the terrain is rough, so hiking boots/shoes are recommended.
- The Red Rocks Trail runs through the east side of the park and is a multi-use trail for hiking, horseback riding and mountain biking. There is a connecting trail from the Lower North Parking Lot to Red Rocks Trail. The trail splits with one segment going north to connect to Jefferson County’s Matthews / Winters Park and the other segment goes east to connect to the Dakota Ridge Trail. The Red Rocks Trail continues to Matthews / Winters Park, creating a dramatic 6-mile loop. The trail connecting to Red Rocks Trail and Red Rocks Trail to Matthews / Winters Park are the only trails in the park that bicycles are permitted on, including Class 1 E-Bikes.
- The Funicular Trail is a short, steep trail that connects the Upper North Lot with a small parking area along Trading Post Road. The trail follows the route of an incline railway, or ‘funicular,’ that carried tourists to the top of Mt. Morrison to enjoy the views.
- The Mt. Vernon Creek Trail is 1 mile in length, following the creek for a short distance before making a turn towards the Lower South Parking Lot where it connects to the Trading Post Trail. Nice views of the amphitheatre can be had along the trail as it travels through the meadows above the creek.
- The Geologic Overlook Trail is a short, moderate trail located in the Northwest corner of the park. Take Plains View Road to the Geologic Marker & Picnic Shelter for a short hike leading to beautiful views.
Bike racks are located outside the Trading Post, as well as at the bottom of the stairs leading from the Upper North Lot to the Top Circle Lot.
Park Rangers patrol the park to assist visitors, provide information and enforce park rules. To contact a Mountain Parks Ranger, call (303) 331-4050 and press 2.
As stewards of a legacy park system, Denver Parks and Recreation is dedicated to customer service and enhancing the health of residents and the environment through innovative programs and safe, beautiful and sustainable places.
Please join us for our Red Rocks Environmental Education and Hiking Programs by clicking the link here followed by selecting “Activities & Programs” then “Outdoor Recreation” to sign up.
Red Rocks Amphitheatre has become a popular site for runners and those looking for a challenging workout at 6,400 feet. We ask that your activities do not negatively impact the enjoyment of others or contribute to structural damage to the venue. Exercise equipment that obstructs access to stairs, benches and other areas is not allowed. Please refrain from using the Top Plaza and other landings and walkways for exercise activities.
Thank you for helping to keep Red Rocks a beautiful and peaceful place by respecting our unique natural resources.
When working out at Red Rocks, please keep the following in mind:
Exercise Groups:
Friday and Saturday: May not exceed 10 people.
Monday through Thursday: May not exceed 20 people.
Sunday 8:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m: Large groups up to 50 people are allowed, however tickets cannot be sold and advertising of these activities is not permitted.
General Guidelines
- Access to the amphitheatre is subject to scheduled events. A ticket may be required for admittance.
- Amplified music is not allowed; please limit the enjoyment of music to headphones.
- Climbing or hanging on venue structures is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to arrest and prosecution.
- Please refrain from consuming chewing gum in the amphitheatre.
- By law, pets must be on a leash at all times. You are required to clean up after your pet and yourself.
- Setting up tables, booths and signage (commercial or otherwise) is prohibited.
- Private vending is prohibited, which includes but is not limited to the sale of merchandise, food, beverages and tickets.
- By trademark law, you may not reproduce the logo or represent any unauthorized affiliation with Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre.
- The use of skateboards and rollerblades is prohibited.
- Remote controlled flying devices or UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles, drones) are prohibited.
- Leaving stickers or art in the park or amphitheatre is prohibited and considered defacing private property, and is a crime.
- Glass bottles or other containers are prohibited in the park and amphitheatre.
- Maintenance operations may be taking place during your visit. Please be mindful of staff and equipment.
- Any special event, included but not limited to musical performances, arts workshops, workout and other group activities must be registered, insured and licensed according to City of Denver and Red Rocks Amphitheatre policy, and must be permitted by Red Rocks management unless otherwise permitted by these rules. Ticket sales for these events is not allowed.
Amphitheatre rules are subject to change. For general information call 720-865-2494.
Health at High Altitude
- Eat plenty of potassium and carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, veggies, etc.
- Drink plenty of water
- Wear layers and comfortable shoes
- If coming from a lower altitude, avoid alcohol for the first 48 hours of your visit and get plenty of rest
- Avoid overexertion before your body can adapt to the lower oxygen and dryness in Colorado. Minimize physical exertion the first day or two of your visit
Symptoms of dehydrations include, but are not limited to: dry eyes/mouth, decreased urination, extreme thirst, nausea, headaches, sluggishness, dizziness or light-headedness. If you feel that you have dehydration and need attention please dial 9-1-1.